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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Acne Treatment Tips

Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.
Although acne isn’t life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn’t as important as finding a cure.
So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.
Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you’ve got your acne cleared up it’s important to continue with the treatment that’s working so it does not return.
If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.

Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It’s a great start to fighting acne.

You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.

Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin
You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.

Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.

Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.
You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

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What Would a Fashion Model's Diet Plan be

Have you ever wondered how the so-called super models manage to get in such good shape and stay trim, even after having a family?

Fashion models depend on their slim figures for their livelihood, so it's imperative that they always look good. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that you should embark on a diet of leaves and nuts. I'm not an advocate of the size zero, but I'm sure you'll find it interesting to know what sort of diet a fashion model would choose.

The Fashion Models Diet Plan

A favourite way for models to look good is to "Cleanse" or "Fast". This is not a complete starvation diet, as it will include the intake of soups and fruit juices over a 3 to7 day period. It is more of a detox routine and is gernerally only carried out once or twice a year.

The benefits of this detox is to obviously rid the body of harmful toxins, such as preservatives and food additives together with inhaled smoke and fumes. It also gives the colon a chance to rid the digestive system of any fecal build up. The results can be dramatic as the liver and kidneys are able to repair and replace damaged cells instead of continuing to rid the body of toxins.

A typical "Cleanse" diet might consist of a combination of fresh carrots, celery, beet, spinach, apple, coconut, broth and juices. Citrus and tomato juices are too acidic to drink while fasting so these should be avoided. It's important to drink plenty of water during the detox and avoid consuming any unnecessary medications or supplements.

The advantages of a detox are weight loss, reduced body odour, shinier finger nails, stronger hair, reduced cellulite, a glowing complexion and more beautiful eyes.

After the detox, the typical fashion model will then begin her normal eating habits, which to some people may appear to be a "real" diet. However, it will simply be a healthy balanced diet, which might typically consist of the following:

---Breakfast (9am)
One boiled egg with a slice of wholewheat bread
A bowl of cereal with skimmed milk
Black coffee
Total 369 calories

---Lunch (12.30pm)
Turkey salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Cup of tea with skimmed milk
Total 320 calories

---Early Evening Snack (4.30pm)
Low fat Jell-O pudding
Total 100 calories

---Dinner (8pm)
Lean Cuisine chicken a l'orange with rice
2 slices of low fat cheddar cheese with wholewheat crackers
Total 448 calories

The total calorie intake for a typical day is 1237. The aim of the diet is to keep the daily calorie count below 1500.

This is a typical example of a fashion model's diet, which will also involve some form of aerobic exercises 3 times a week.

So, as you can see it's not at all what you might have originally thought. It's just a sensible eating plan and a sensible exercise routine. However, if even this diet seems a little too much to stomach, you could try a natural herbal diet remedy.

Here are the top 5 tips that fashion models highly recommend for staying in trim.

1. Decrease your alcohol consumption. Alcohol suppresses the body's ability to burn fat.

2. Eat more Black Pepper, Ginger, Chile Peppers. Spicy food helps speed up the body's metabolism.

3. Increase your muscle mass. Muscle burns fat, so adding 5lbs of muscle will help you burn another 250 calories a day.

3. Increase your vitamin B and Calcium intake. The B-Vitamins give you more energy and increase your metabolism.

4. Drink More Water. A healthy, well-hydrated body is important to flush out toxins and aid in metabolising fats

5. Increase your intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 fatty acids can help to balance blood sugar levels and control appetite.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do You Know These Hair Coloring Secrets ?

Coloring your hair is perhaps the quickest and most dramatic way to change your look. There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi- permanent, with variations of each.

A) Permanent Tints:

Must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to lift hair color. The peroxide opens the hair cuticle so that the tint can penetrate the cortex and form the color. The higher the level of peroxide, the quicker and lighter the result.

B) Semi-Permanent Colors: They don't actually lift the color-you can either vary the tone within your natural highlights or go darker. The color can last up to 20 washes and will softly fade as you shampoo, causing no re-growth problem.

C) Semi-Permanent Vegetable Colors: Contain only vegetable extracts and natural ingredients, so no color is stripped from your hair. It is similar to henna but it doesn't coat the hair (adds shine though). This color sits on the hair's surface and will wash out after about 8 shampoos.

Different coloring methods suit different hairstyles, so get some expert advice when deciding which one to go for... Skin Tone: Your new hair color should complement your skin tone. Light-skinned people don't look good with very dark hair because it draws color out of their skin.


If you would love to be blonde, talk the process through with your colorist (or stylist) before you go for it. It should be relatively painless on virgin dark brown hair, but if your hair has been permanently tinted then the process will become a long saga. Never attempt this kind of dye job on your own for the first time.


Red is the sexy shade, for color that cries out for attention. Hair holds on to red-toned pigments well, so going copper-top can be easy for most people. But be warned-if you are blonde you will usually have to go two or three shades darker than your natural color to achieve a rich red (brunette), and it's not easy to reverse it.


Brunette is always a safe choice as it suits nearly everyone. Varying the shade with highlights can achieve a huge range of looks. From chocolate brown and bronze shades to honey or dark blonde, combinations of natural tones gives incredible shine as darker-pigmented tints add condition to your hair.


This is by far the easiest color to accomplish because the molecules in black tints are larger and will cover all hair types very effectively. Caution is needed when using black, as it only tends to look good on people with darker and olive skin tones.

Some popular coloring questions:

* Will coloring my hair damage it?

Only if the wrong level of peroxide is used or you are over-processing (too many permanent colors are applied) your hair. If you constantly change your hair color, especially if you go from blonde to brown and back to blonde, you must regularly use deep conditioning treatments.

* What's better for my hair, semi-permanent or permanent color?

Semi-permanent color gives your hair a higher shine and enhances condition, but they won't lift natural hair color. Also, a semi-permanent tint will not cover large amount of gray hair (more than 50 percent).

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Menopause Weight Gain – You Can Lose It

It’s probably safe to assume that the reason you found this article is because you’ve gradually, but progressively gained some unwanted weight, especially around your mid-section. This is somewhat surprising since you’ve not necessarily changed your lifestyle or eating habits. As a matter of fact, there’s a good chance you’ve even cut your caloric intake, but still the weight remains. Could this weight gain be associated with menopause? If you’re a woman in your thirties of forties, the answer is “yes – most definitely.” Weight gain, as you approach menopause, is quite common and often one of the first symptoms of menopause that women notice. This is true even if you’re still experiencing regular periods.

You see, as you approach menopause your body’s hormone levels are declining, thus causing many changes to occur. As your estrogen levels decline, your body will naturally look for other places from where to get the needed estrogen. Unfortunately, fat cells are capable of producing estrogen, which results in your body working harder to convert calories to fat.

In addition to the declining levels of estrogen, your body’s testosterone levels are also declining. As you may know, testosterone is the hormone that converts your calories to lean muscle mass. Obviously, with lower testosterone levels you’re now losing muscle mass. Since muscle burns far more calories than does fat, your body is no longer capable of burning calories the way it used to.

As you can see, your declining hormone levels are the main culprit behind all of the weight gain you’re now noticing. Don’t think for one minute that you need to accept or welcome this unwanted enemy because you can easily lose this menopausal weight gain. I recently published some inspirational quotes on my website to assist women in their everyday lives. One of my favorites comes to mind when I think about what makes so many women complacent when they’re faced with symptoms of menopause and weight gain. Jim Rohn once said “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” If your goal is to lose the weight you’ve gained, the only thing that can possibly stop you from accomplishing this goal is a lack of discipline.

If you’re willing to put your discipline into high gear you will undoubtedly lose the weight you’ve gained due to declining hormone levels associated with menopause. It’s important that you understand what’s taking place inside your body so that you’re well aware that simply cutting calories will not significantly reduce or eliminate the weight around your mid-section. You must build muscle to turn your body into a calorie-burning machine. You needn’t be extreme, but an exercise routine that includes weight training at least three days a week will give you results that will astonish you.

Remember, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Don’t be complacent. You're headed in the right direction because you researched the Internet seeking information regarding weight gain during menopause. Consider this the first step in your walk across the bridge to accomplishment.

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The Power Of A Picture Handbag

Almost every woman has a handbag. It is one of the essential things to carry around when you go to the office, to the church, or even when you're just shopping around. The search for the perfect handbag is one of the most common problems that women encounter. Think it's funny? Well, to most women it is not. The process of selecting the right handbag can be a daunting task.

Seldom can you find women without a handbag. And this is true from professional women to the ordinary ones. And most of the time, their handbags compliment the dress that they usually wear.

The handbag has a certain magnetic power that is probably why most women can't leave their homes without carrying a handbag. Women carry all sorts of things like make-ups, lipsticks, perfumes, and many 'little things' that only women enjoy carrying. Where else are they to put those things but in a handbag. Aside from handbags, you can also find a purse or a cosmetic bag inside it.

So you see, when you say handbag, the first thing that probably comes into your mind are women; or is it the other way around? Nevertheless, these two go along well with each other.

The newest trend today in women's handbags is the so called photo/picture handbag. It is named so because of the picture that you can find on the bag itself. It is now possible to purchase a personally customized handbag.

If you haven't been shopping for a new bag lately, maybe it's time that you catch up on the latest things offered now in the market.

Picture handbags are gaining a lot of popularity. With these bags, you can actually choose what picture to incorporate in the bag. It may be a picture from a favorite movie scene, or personal pictures of family and friends.

The thing is you are free to choose which picture to put in the bag. It is not a simple process though, so you need to hire professional help or simply purchase directly from a manufacturer.

First step is to choose which picture or photo to incorporate in the handbag; then select the handbag design. It would help to know that tote and bucket style bags are more appropriate to use for picture handbags. These bags come in different shapes and sizes. The larger the bag, the more costly it will become.

Aside from tote and bucket bags, you can also have pictures embedded in a beach or diaper bag. Most picture handbags have pictures printed on only one side, but if you wish to have both sides contain pictures, you can make a request. Expect to pay more money anyway.

If you want, your petite bags, cosmetic bags and purses can also be turned into photo/picture bags that will match your handbag.

Owning even just one picture bag will prove to be a good investment. You can actually say that you've been creative enough to choose the particular design of your handbag, and not only that, it has an added personal touch.

Spending a certain amount of money on your picture handbag is nothing compared to your unending search for the perfect handbag that will suit your needs. Now, you can have a handbag that will carry your personal signature in it.

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Are You Wearing The Right Sized Bra?

How many times is it written in the press, and mentioned on the news that more than 80% of women are wearing the wrong sized bra? Frequently? Well, are you? Do you know whether your bra fits correctly?

Is it important? Do we really need to be that bothered? Well, the answer really has to be yes. Younger women can get away without wearing a bra, or wearing one that doesn’t support them properly, as their young muscles and tendons keep things in place. But this doesn’t go on forever, and as we age, we are all too keenly aware of the dreaded droop! And anyway, an ill fitting bra under a T-shirt or close fitting top is just so ugly.

There are other, potentially more serious problems though, especially if you have a curvy figure. Breasts that aren’t properly supported can lead to all sorts of problems with your back, shoulders, skin irritations and self-esteem. If you have never been properly fitted, why not try it? You may well find the bras you buy in the future will completely change how you carry yourself, bringing your shoulders back and boosting your self-esteem considerably.

Although too many women are wearing bras that do not fit them correctly, there really is an over reliance on consistently buying the same size. We go into a store, are measured and told we are a 38G and off we go and buy only 38G bras.

It can often be just as well to throw away the tape measure and keep trying on bras until you get one that fits properly. If you rely too heavily on the tape measure, you stick in the comfort zone and continue to buy the same size. But there are far too many variables now in bra manufacture to be able to rely on that ‘size’ as a constant. Here are just a few:

1. The type of materials used

2. How the fabric is cut

3. The level of support/elasticity offered by the fabric

4. The design of the bra

5. The style of the bra (full cup, balconette, demi-bra, strapless, bustier etc )

6. Variations in sizing between brands

7. Variations in sizing conventions in different countries

8. Variables in the production process

9. Fashion sizing (i.e. putting smaller sizes on the label than the garment actually is …)

…and all this before you even start to consider how your own body alters over the course of the day, the month, the year, or events such as pregnancy, measurable weight loss or gain, or surgery.

Therefore, the best way of ensuring you get a correct fitting bra is to try it on yourself. There are many guides to buying the correct size – some rely entirely on the tape measure, but many more are now moving towards the advice of trying on until the fit is right.

If the bra is right for you, it will:

1. Feel comfortable – there will be no red marks or wheals

2. The back band will be parallel with the front band

3. If it is underwired, the underwires will sit comfortably at the back of the breast without digging in. The front of the underwires will sit comfortably between your breasts and rest against your breast bone.

4. The cups will be full – not overflowing, and not sagging

5. The straps will not cut in, and they won’t slip down.

When you do find a bra that fits properly, why not buy another one! There’s nothing wrong with having a range of different ‘sizes’. Bras from the same brands tend to be the same size, there will be different cup sizes in European and American makes and you may need different cup and back sizes to cope with changes in your body shape each month.

So, when you have bought the right bra for you, follow the care instructions to keep it doing its job as long as possible. Bras usually only have an effective life of around 5/6 months and will lose some elasticity each time they are washed. You will probably need to alter the straps and the hook position over that time to compensate for this.

Yes, there are too many women wearing the wrong sized bra.

Yes, it matters.

Yes, it is important to ensure the right fit.

No, you don’t have to rely on the tape measure.

No, you don’t have to buy the same size every time because you have been told to.

There is so much to choose from, enjoy trying on! Good luck in your search.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Premenstrual Syndrome: Plagued with Premenstrual Syndrome? Try Calcium!

At last, there's hope for millions of women suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome. Researchers have found that a regular intake of calcium may reduce premenstrual syndrome be as much as 60 per cent.

It's a problem that has baffled doctors and worried women. Symptoms that occur a week or two before a woman's monthly periods. While these symptoms usually disappear after your period starts, PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome often interferes with the women's normal activities at home or work.

Despite ongoing studies, the cause of Premenstrual Syndrome are not yet clear. Of course, some women may be more sensitive than others to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. While some believe that stress does not seem to cause Premenstrual Syndrome, it could make it worse. Studies have revealed that Premenstrual Syndrome can affect menstruating women of any age and that Premenstrual Syndrome can affect menstruating women of any age and that Premenstrual Syndrome often includes both physical and emotional symptoms.

Now, the latest on the Premenstrual Syndrome front is that a diet rich in calcium appears to reduce the risk of developing Premenstrual Syndrome by as much as 40 per cent.

Most women experience mild Premenstrual Syndrome, but for about 20 percent, the symptoms can be severe. These symptoms define Premenstrual Syndrome and can interfere with daily activities and relationships, according to a report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine .

Calcium supplements and Vitamin D, which aid the absorption of calcium are believed to reduce the occurrence and severity of Premenstrual Syndrome. To find out the effect of dietary Calcium on Premenstrual Syndrome, data on women with and without Premenstrual Syndrome was collected. The comparison showed that calcium intake had a profound effect on whether women developed Premenstrual Syndrome. " We found that women with highest intake of Vitamin D and calcium from food sources did have a significantly reduced risk of being diagnosed with Premenstrual Syndrome," Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University Of Massachusetts, said.

The largest result was seen in women who consumed about 1,200 mgs of Calcium and 500 IU of vitamin D per day. "We found the women who consumed four servings per day of skin or low-fat milk, fortified orange juice and low fat dairy foods, had approximately a 40 per cent lower risk of being diagnosed with Premenstrual Syndrome, than women who only consumed these foods about once per week," she said.

Levels of calcium and vitamin D fluctuate across the menstrual cycle, and this might define women with and without Premenstrual Syndrome, she added. The findings should encourage them to eat more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, she said. What's more, these nutrients have also been associated with other health benefits, such as the reduced of osteoporosis and some cancers.

Calcium Tips and Benefits:

When purchasing calcium supplements, look for the elemental Calcium content.

Studies have shown that it is the intake of dairy products with the natural combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium that helps to prevent and control hypertension

Calcium can help you maintain proper pH levels, and to reverse acidic conditions.

Calcium is fat burner. Studies have shown that the people with the highest calcium intake overall weighed the least

Must Read: Case Study: How Calcium helps in Weight Loss too at

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The History And Purpose Of Womens Lingerie

Lingerie has a long and prosperous history as enhancers of the female form. It is believed that the first example of lingerie for women originated in the Mediterranean. This was two thousand years before Christ. The field of womens lingerie has grown and flourished ever since. Now, it is popular among all classes of people. It appears all around the world. It is also a multi-million dollar industry, with newer styles and functions appearing on a regular basis. There are two different classes of lingerie for women. One style enhances what women already have. Another style hides what women don't want to have. Bustiers and corsets can fit in both classes. Corsets have a slimming effect, making the waist appear smaller and curvier. Bustiers push up the breasts, enhancing and forming the bust. Bras are a type of women's lingerie, although they have been so mainstreamed as to be a normal addition to most women's closets. Bras can serve many functions. They support women with bigger busts, aiding in back support. They can pull up drooping breasts, and enhance with gel and other fillers. With a pair of matching panties, bras can also attract. Lingerie has come a long way from the days of burlesque. Seedy motels and back alley shops were the breeding ground of lingerie back then, when men with insatiable appetites went to Burlesque shows to see their fantasies enacted on stage. Women with skimpy or stringy clothing danced. Some took pieces of their clothing off and taunted the men with them.
Now, women can do the same thing for their own men, without the inhibition of those older days. Womens lingerie has come into the light, and there exist many gorgeous and tasteful pieces. And what is not tasteful is acceptable in other circles and with other purposes. The g-strings, thongs, backless panties and fishnet stocking with leather are a look that serves to sell sex. This sex sells between a couple in the bedroom or on the pages of Playboy. Some popular styles of women's lingerie include: Camis: These sleeveless tops usually include spaghetti straps and flow over the body. They sometimes include matching panties. Chemise: A short, straight nightgown, light and soft. Teddy: Imagine wearing a loose-fitting bathing suit with frills and lace. Baby Doll: A particular style of lingerie. This was invented in a 1950's movie of the same name. It is a very short nightgown that accentuates the bust. It stops just above the hips and usually comes with panties. The fabric floats away from the body, while it clasps around the bust. Kimonos and negligees: These are not lingerie, per se, but can be worn over top of it. For women who chill easily in the shorter pieces, this can make the difference between whether they wear lingerie or not. Womens lingerie was originally made from silk and satin. It represented sexuality and comfort. Now lingerie is made of a lot of different fabrics, each with its own meaning. Leather lingerie denotes danger and carries with it a rebellious attitude. Velvet lingerie is soft and exotic. Cotton is for modern women who dislike frilly, sassy clothing. Lycra, a relative of spandex, is used for a sporty, tight-fitting look.

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Anti-Aging Skin Care- Seven Steps To Reducing Wrinkles And Preventing Aging Saggy Skin

Are you wondering which are the best anti aging treatments and ways to rejuvenate your skin?. What can be done about existing lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin? Traditionally the only solutions available have been painful and expensive cosmetic surgeries, toxin injections, and harsh chemical peels. Each of which has a long list of potentially dangerous side effects. Recent scientific breakthroughs have allowed for the development of more gentle cosmetic products that can reduce saggy skin as well as facial lines and wrinkles without the risks involved with other more traditional procedures. Probably you are confused with all the different ingredients that we can find in anti aging skin care products, and with so many choices, we don't even know where to start. Aging is related to accumulation of damage at the cellular level. Offenders include environment, free radicals, and chemicals.

The best way to deal with aging skin is to ensure that you take a proactive approach to skin care and follow a few simple steps to help prevent the early onset of aging and keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

STEP 1. Use A Preservative Free Paraben Free Skin Care System The major key in reducing aging skin and restoring youthful lustre is to avoid preservatives in your skin care products. Preservatives, methylparaben in particular, have been shown to increase the damage to skin caused by UV light, thus increasing the aging of skin . If you want to prevent aging of your skin you really need to be aware of what you are putting on your skin. While many companies claim their products are “all natural” and of the “finest quality,” a close look at the ingredients reveals they contain toxic synthetic preservatives, ‘suspected’ carcinogens, drying alcohols, and synthetic fragrances and dyes. So make an educated decision to use products that contain absolutely no preservatives .
A good book to refer to is “The Truth About Cosmetics…And Some Natural Alternatives” by Haru Naito. Until recently, most skin care products around the world have contained preservatives that promote skin aging. However, new skin care technology has developed and there are now a few unique skin care ranges on the market that have eliminated preservatives with the goal to support the skin’s state of wellness and protect the skin from premature aging. ( ). In fact a world’s first water-based skincare line has been recently released in Japan, Australia and the US which uses a revolutionary patented water filtration system where fungus and bacteria can not grow thus eliminating the need for any preservatives. You can receive a free report and skin care brochure at

STEP 2. Keep Your Skin Clean Cleanse your skin with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Make sure you do not leave on make up or allow residue to build up on your skin. This will lead to increased stress on your skin and can cause pores to clog and become infected. The key here is not to rub, scrape, or be overly abrasive in the process. You will require a gentle cleanser that contains a fine abrasive to get into your skin pores and remove bacteria and soil. New skin care technology uses a fine ground stone which has tiny holes, when you wash our face, the stone goes into the skin pores and removes bacteria and soil from the pores.

STEP 3. Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated. Hydrating aging skin and helping it to retain moisture are the keys to reducing and preventing wrinkles. Water provides hydration to our skin. So you require a skin care line that can provide water to your skin cells and plump them up like a grape rather than shrivelled up and dry like a saltanna. Look at the hydration rates of the skin care product you are using and the clinical proven results. Also many skin care products use carriers to take the moisturising ingredients into the cells. You need to ensure that no carrier chemicals are used which can be absorbed into your circulation and can cause serious health issues. A new water-based skincare line hydrates the skin by 80% after only one use and uses the technology of glyconutrients (plant based nutrients) to carry the water to the skin cell and hold it in. This dramatically reduces wrinkles. Research also shows that glyconutrients in skin care products seal the skin keeping in the water and keeping harmful elements out, meaning skin cells will be regenerated and skin can return to be like a babies bottom. So use a skin care line that hydrates and uses safe carrier nutrients to fight the visible signs of aging by reducing wrinkles around your eyes, mouth and forehead.

STEP 4. Nourish your skin with healthy ingredients Nourishing the skin with the proper ingredients is also important. Use skin care that delivers only healthy nutrients that can protect your skin from premature aging, stress and dryness. Many plants in the world have long been recognized for their therapeutic health benefits. Just make sure the ingredients are natural plant foods or certified organic ingredients. Today many scientific studies demonstrate the numerous benefits of using specific botanicals that provide nourishing properties that assist your body in renewing healthy moisture enhanced skin tissues. This is the foundation of a preservative free skincare product line.

STEP 5. Use A Wrinkle Cream That Is Proven To Work Wrinkles and spots are normally too deep to be effected by skin care products, but not now with the recent advancement in skin care technology skin cells can be corrected from damage done and create new healthy skin cells. An anti-wrinkle cream lessens the appearance of your wrinkles, depending on how often you use it, the type and amount of active ingredient in the wrinkle cream and the extent of the wrinkles you want to treat. Do they work? Consider these points when judging the merits of using a wrinkle cream: Ensure the skin care system you use has been subjected to research and clinical trials to prove their benefit. You’ll likely need to use the wrinkle cream once or twice a day for many weeks before noticing improvements. Remembering that skin cells rejuvenate every 28 days.

STEP 6. Support your skin’s health and prevent premature aging with good quality supplements. ANTIOXIDANTS Oxidative stress is the principle cause of aging and premature death. By controlling free radicals, anti-oxidants influence how fast and how well we age. It is virtually impossible to get optimal amount of antioxidants from foods alone. So invest in a good quality antioxidant. After a lifetime of exposure to pollutants, we need antioxidant help. The best antioxidant on the market is provided by the Australian Bush Plum and studies at an Australian University provides the research to prove the effect of this antioxidant which is provided in a capsule food supplement. PHYTOSTEROLS Scientists can tell how old you are physiologically based on the amount of DHEA (primary hormone of the body) in your blood. Levels peak at age 25 years and then decline. Most researchers agree to retard aging DHEA levels must be maintained. In our modern diet our daily intake of hormone modulator is severely depleted. A Phyto Hormone supplement provides your body naturally with the building blocks to maintain and enhance normal hormone production. It will support efficient fat burning, help you look younger, feel younger and potentially live longer. GLYCONUTRIENTS Science has now established that certain natural plant sugars are vital for maintaining good health. Glyconutrients play a vital role in disease prevention and immune system restoration. Supplementation with a blend of glyconutrients have been shown to improve the immune system and improve the antioxidant level inside cells. In addition research shows that glyconutrients help with reversing 8 of the biological signs of aging.
A good reason to start supplementing your diet with these nutrients. There is only one manufacturer of the exclusive source of the complete blend of these nutrients. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Make sure you get a good blend of essential fatty acids in your diet.. Supplementation with essential fatty acids supports your skin to become softer and smoother. They are necessary to make cells membranes and for many of the important hormones and other chemical messengers that tell your body what to do. In recent years, researchers have been able to determine the reason essential fats are so critical to the formation of soft, smooth skin texture and the management of certain skin conditions. Investigative studies have shown that the link between fabulous skin texture and intake of essential oils is explained by the effect essential fats have on the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones within epidermal cells. So supplementation with a combination of these nutrients is required for you are wanting to reduce the signs of aging and support your skins health from inside as well as outside.

STEP 7. ADEQUATE REST Make sure you get enough rest, so that your skin has time to repair itself. We all know that aging skin can be problematic and sometimes even downright scary. By following the tips listed above and carefully selecting your skin care products, you'll be one step ahead in the battle against aging skin. We all get old but we don't have to look that way! The bottom line is to know the science and ingredients behind the products you use, look at the clinical trials, ensure the company is ethical and practices good manufacturing practices and then stick to doing business with one that has a solid reputation for delivering results. There are countless products on the market but only a handful that are based on legitimate science.

These are the ones to add to your daily skin care regiment. The one thing you must do is be constant, without getting obsessed, with whatever you choose to rejuvenate your skin. A new era of skin care technology is a huge breakthrough in the battle against our aging skin.

So in summary your Skin Care wish list should include:
1. Preservative Free
2. Anti- Aging
3. Fragrance Free
4. Colorant Free
5. Allergy Tested
6. Suits All Skin Types
7. Non- Comedogenic (not clogging, won’t aggravate acne)
8. No Animal Testing
9. Opthamologist Tested
10. Visible Real Results Too much in one skin care line.

Do your research and you will find that there are limited skin care products that provide all these benefits. Go to for a free report on antiaging and preservative free skin care.

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